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pivot point cece giannotti


Cece Giannotti

  • iTunes - White Circle
  • Spotify - White Circle

A vegades la música tan sols acompanya.
I a vegades, com un atent prodigi, esdevé silenci per l’ànima.
És aquí, en aquest aire, on s’atura l’elegant Pivot Point d’en Cece Giannotti.
En la seva veu esclata la maduresa d’un àngel perseguint amb els dits un núvol que s’escapa…
Benvinguts al seu llarg viatge.
Veniu lleugers d’equipatge!
Quan la música és AMOR no és precís completar-la.
Hi neix la bellesa més suprema: un bri etern d’esperança.

Sonia Carmona – Poeta, rapsoda, mestre i periodista.

CD: Pivot Point was recorded between New York and Barcelona in this record you'll discover a personal more intimate side of CG. An alternative pop rock acoustic repertoire with cinematic and ambient soundscapes. Some of the tracks are sung in french and italian. Most of it was Produced and mixed and recorded in the Secret Garden by longtime friend Christian Cassan. Pivot Point won AMJM Best album of the Year Award in 2010. Production: Cece Giannotti, Francesc Chaparro, Christian Cassan. | Mixed and recorded at The Secret Garden NY by Christian Cassan. | Recorded at Musiclan (Figueres), Hotel Josephine’s Sunstation Studio (Bcn), Feelback studios (Bcn). | Mastering: by Greg Calbi at Sterling Sound NY. | Musicians: Cece Giannotti, Francesc Chaparro, Christian Cassan, Bennett Paster, Xavi Ollé, Ed Rhos, Alex Gaspa, Bruno Gimeno, Joe Lewis, Toni Saigi Chupi, Jean Paul Dupeyron, Gabriel Amargant.

DVD: This was recorded live during the XXI Festival de Guitarra de Barcelona in Luz de Gas on the 05/06/2010.

Musicians: Cece Giannotti acoustic guitar and vocals | Francesc Chaparro percusion and keyboard loops | Anton Jarl drums | Joe Lewis bass and vocals | Jordi Picazos electric and acoustic guitar | Bruno Gimeno mandoguitar | Carlos Torregrossa vocals and percusion | Jose Alberto Medina melòdica | Marc Sort saxo tenor.

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